
The Util.Files package provides various utility operations around files to help in reading, writing, searching for files in a path. To use the operations described here, use the following GNAT project:

with "utilada_base";

Reading and writing

To easily get the full content of a file, the Read_File procedure can be used. A first form exists that populates a Unbounded_String or a vector of strings. A second form exists with a procedure that is called with each line while the file is read. These different forms simplify the reading of files as it is possible to write:

Content : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
Util.Files.Read_File ("config.txt", Content);


List : Util.Strings.Vectors.Vector;
Util.Files.Read_File ("config.txt", List);


procedure Read_Line (Line : in String) is ...
Util.Files.Read_File ("config.txt", Read_Line'Access);

Similarly, writing a file when you have a string or an Unbounded_String is easily written by using Write_File as follows:

Util.Files.Write_File ("config.txt", "full content");

Searching files

Searching for a file in a list of directories can be accomplished by using the Iterate_Path, Iterate_Files_Path or Find_File_Path.

The Find_File_Path function is helpful to find a file in some PATH search list. The function looks in each search directory for the given file name and it builds and returns the computed path of the first file found in the search list. For example:

Path : String := Util.Files.Find_File_Path ("ls",

This will return /usr/bin/ls on most Unix systems.

Rolling file manager

The Util.Files.Rolling package provides a simple support to roll a file based on some rolling policy. Such rolling is traditionally used for file logs to move files to another place when they reach some size limit or when some date conditions are met (such as a day change). The file manager uses a file path and a pattern. The file path is used to define the default or initial file. The pattern is used when rolling occurs to decide how to reorganize files.

The file manager defines a triggering policy represented by Policy_Type. It controls when the file rolling must be made.

  • No_Policy: no policy, the rolling must be triggered manually.
  • Size_Policy: size policy, the rolling is triggered when the file reaches a given size.
  • Time_Policy: time policy, the rolling is made when the date/time pattern no longer applies to the active file; the Interval configuration defines the period to check for time changes,
  • Size_Time_Policy: combines the size and time policy, the rolling is triggered when either the file reaches a given size or the date/time pattern no longer applies to the active file.

To control how the rolling is made, the Strategy_Type defines the behavior of the rolling.

  • Rollover_Strategy:
  • Direct_Strategy:

To use the file manager, the first step is to create an instance and configure the default file, pattern, choose the triggering policy and strategy:

Manager : Util.Files.Rolling.File_Manager;
Manager.Initialize ("dynamo.log", "dynamo-%i.log",
                    Policy => (Size_Policy, 100_000),
                    Strategy => (Rollover_Strategy, 1, 10));

After the initialization, the current file is retrieved by using the Get_Current_Path function and you should call Is_Rollover_Necessary before writing content on the file. When it returns True, it means you should call the Rollover procedure that will perform roll over according to the rolling strategy.

Path filters

The generic package Util.Files.Filters implements a path filter mechanism that emulates the classical .gitignore path filter. It defines the Filter_Type tagged type to represent and control a set of path patterns associated with values represented by the Element_Type generic type. The package must be instantiated with the type representing values associated to path patterns. A typical instantation for an inclusion, exclusion filter such as .gitignore could be:

 type Filter_Mode is (Not_Found, Included, Excluded);
 package Path_Filter is
    new Util.Files.Filters (Filter_Mode);

The Filter_Type provides one operation to add a pattern in the filter and associate it with a value. A pattern can contain fixed paths, wildcards or regular expressions. When inserting a filter, you can indicate whether the filter is to be applied locally on recursively (this is similar to the .gitignore rules, with a pattern that starts with a / or without). Example of pattern setup:

 Filter : Path_Filter.Filter_Type;
 Filter.Insert ("*.o", Recursive => True, Value => Excluded);
 Filter.Insert ("alire/", Recursive => False, Value => Excluded);
 Filter.Insert ("docs/*", Recursive => False, Value => Included);

The Match function looks in the filter for a match and it indicates either that there is a match with a value (Found), a match witout a value (No_Value) or no match at all (Not_Found). When there is a match Found, the associated value is retrieved by using Get_Value. The Match operation is called as follows:

 Result : Path_Filter.Filter_Result := Filter.Match ("test.o");
 if Result.Match = Path_Filter.Found then
 end if;

The table below gives results found for several paths and with the filters defined above:

Operation Result.Match Path_Filter.Get_Value
Filter.Match ("test.o") Found Excluded
Filter.Match ("test.a") Not_Found
Filter.Match ("docs/test.o") Found Included
Filter.Match ("alire/") Found Included
Filter.Match ("test/alire") Not_Found

It is also possible to use the generic package as a mapping framework to implement a mapping of a path to a string, for example:

 package Language_Mappers is
    new Util.Files.Filters (Element_Type => String);

And filters could be populated as follows:

 Filter : Language_Mappers.Filter_Type;
 Filter.Add ("*.c", True, "C");
 Filter.Add ("*.adb", True, "Ada");
 Filter.Add ("*.ads", True, "Ada");
 Filter.Add ("Makefile", True, "Make");

Directory tree walk

It is sometimes necessary to walk a directory tree while taking into account some inclusion or exclusion patterns or more complex ignore lists. The Util.Files.Walk package provides a support to walk such directory tree while taking into account some possible ignore lists such as the .gitignore file. The package defines the Filter_Type tagged type to represent and control the exclusion or inclusion filters and a second tagged type Walker_Type to walk the directory tree.

The Filter_Type provides two operations to add patterns in the filter and one operation to check against a path whether it matches a pattern. A pattern can contain fixed paths, wildcards or regular expressions. Similar to .gitignore rules, a pattern which starts with a / will define a pattern that must match the complete path. Otherwise, the pattern is a recursive pattern. Example of pattern setup:

 Filter : Util.Files.Walk.Filter_Type;
 Filter.Exclude ("*.o");
 Filter.Exclude ("/alire/");
 Filter.Include ("/docs/*");

The Match function looks in the filter for a match. The path could be included, excluded or not found. For example, the following paths will match:

Operation Result
Filter.Match ("test.o") Walk.Excluded
Filter.Match ("test.a") Walk.Not_Found
Filter.Match ("docs/test.o") Walk.Included
Filter.Match ("alire/") Walk.Included
Filter.Match ("test/alire") Walk.Not_Found

To scan a directory tree, the Walker_Type must have some of its operations overriden:

  • The Scan_File should be overriden to be notified when a file is found and handle it.
  • The Scan_Directory should be overriden to be notified when a directory is entered.
  • The Get_Ignore_Path is called when entering a new directory. It can be overriden to indicate a path of a file which contains some patterns to be ignored (ex: the .gitignore file).

See the tree.adb example.